Taxi price from Munduk to Amed
- One way trip price from Munduk to Amed: IDR 650K
- Full day tour price 10 hours duration: 900K
- Day tour max 2 stops 5-6 hours duration price 800K
- Price per car up to 4 people, No hidden cost, and pay cash on the day itself
The distance and travel time from Munduk to Amed
The distance and travel time from Munduk to Amed about 115 kilometers takes about 3 hours 20 minutes to drive maybe more depending on the traffic jam by a private car driver, but besides that, if your hotel beyond of amed villages such as Lipah village, Lean village or Banyuning village it will take 15minutes – 30minutes longer, amed is located in Karangasem regency, Abang district.
Transport from Munduk to Amed with us
We are Amed Bali Adventure provide transport service at a very affordable price, Good English speaking driver, trusted, safe and reliable, furthermore, we had excellent reviews on TripAdvisor all about the full-day tour, pick-up, transfer, taxi driver, pricing, services, and satisfaction please have a look at our reviews in this LINK before you book our service because we would love to ensure and guarantee that you will get a wonderful trip with us, moreover, we are living and growing up in amed Bali and we know very well about Bali. so if you come across our website don’t hesitate to contact us.
The best time to go from Munduk
Good and the best time to go is at 8 am – 10 am to avoid the heavy traffic in the afternoon and also we will be ready 24hours whenever you want us to pick you up, are you planning to make a full day tour along the way from Munduk.? please have a look below the itinerary.! In addition, we have some great advice things to see along the way.
Advice things to see from Munduk to amed
You can either make a stop along the way to see some sightseeing, Here we have made a detailed itinerary for day tour along the way from Munduk to Amed by following 1 route.
Trough main street
- Ponjok Batu temple
- Meduwe Karang temple
- Beji temple
- Sekumpul waterfall
- Buddhist temple
- Banjar hot spring
What is included during a full-day tour.?
- Fuel
- Sarong and scarf for visiting the temple
- Parking fee
- Full air-condition
- Driver meals
Please Note
- One-way trip means a direct trip to amed
- Full day tour 8 hours duration starting from hotel pick-up in Munduk to hotel in amed
- Additional charges 50K per hour after 8 hours
- Please select a maximum of 4 places during a full-day tour